Name: Gem

Past History:

I was born late evening in a cold and dark December night ....i remember not much of mother and father but has 2 other brothers and upon parents being killed we were seperated as children and always knowing i would search one day for them ...i carried things of my family a ring and a few things to prove and to help find my brothers once more.

Upon my travels as a child frightened and alone ...but..moving on for the love and promise she made at her mothers side at her time of death to find them and join back once again....a kind and loving man came across me and saw my need in a good up raising and a chance to have a normal living upon finding out of my powers to become a black panther and a albino cyberian 950 lb tiger and my great strengths and to be able to look into the future and born of healing and strong magical powers yet needing to train...

He took it upon himself to train me and teach me the power of focus and in return taking me in his home as his daughter to raise as his very own ....putting aside worries knowing someday i will be very dangerous but taking a chance to teach and guide me as a father would also training me to use a dagger and a sword ....we trained many years...and then i recieved my place in my family with in my father's side, his name Diekraft.....

I have married and had 2 twins Tiara and Charlie ...husband left and i was to be known as a widow and moved on as did my children to train and to become warriors themselfs ...i have loved since and lost love and 2 children ared from that love....i have become involved again and still looks to the future as to where it will lead.....and here i am as up to today you know and i stand proud and tall and always a DK for life and death and will always fight for my DK family ...and i will be proud of them and the flag that is raised to signify FAMILY ........DK FAMILY FOREVER AND A DAY!!!!
